
A Conversation With Brandon Drew

Let me introduce you to Brandon Drew, a native Son of Pittsburgh, PA, now residing on our west coast. A few words to describe him are tenacious, passionate, focused and talented. He is a learner who teaches. Brandon marshals his energy and takes it “on the road” as he travels around the world, always with a purpose.

How to Virtually Visit 4 CARIBBEAN Destinations

This is a BattlePlan Virtual digital content, research, copywriting, interview, travel writing HYBRID-access sample. Originally featured in The CARIBBEAN VILLAGE Insider CULTURE-ZINE. Let’s try something a little different with this post. The difference involves a “hybrid-access” model. The content is chock-full of information and interesting images. After reading, I believe you will come away feeling … Read more

US Virgin Islands

Domestically International | An Interview with Cheryl Joseph

This is an informative interview about the United States Virgin Islands with Cheryl Joseph, a delightful Educator. I believe you will come away from this interview feeling as though you have visited or re-visited the U.S.V.I., while also, perhaps, having learned some little known or unsung or undiscovered information.