Partner Profile


Minnie Battle Mayes is an internationally skilled education globalist. Minnie is a student of the world and a generous sharer of her experiences and knowledge through customized training and targeted consulting. She is the President and CEO of International Partnerships and Ventures in Education (iPAVE), a consulting organization in the areas of international partnerships, intercultural development, campus internationalization, study abroad, international student programs and global studies certificate programs.

Minnie began her career in international affairs at the United Nations in New York, followed by positions with CARE in Cameroon; and the American Council for Nationalities Services/Joint Voluntary Agency in the Vietnamese refugee camps of Singapore and Indonesia.  She later joined the U.S. Department of State where she spent 20 years (1979-1999) and currently (2015 – present) as an independent contractor for its educational and cultural exchange programs. Minnie has had several international assignments to Africa, Asia and Latin America. Her international career has taken her to more than 50 countries on 6 continents.

While at NCA&T, Minnie developed and coordinated the Brazilian governments Scientific Mobility Program on campus, bringing numerous students from Brazil to the University through this program as well as through bi-lateral exchange agreements with four universities in Brazil. She also led the effort that created a Cooperative Program in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering between NC A&T and Henan Polytechnic University in China (the first Chinese government approved “Cooperatively Running Program” between a Chinese University and an HBCU – Historically Black Colleges and Universities). 

Minnie recently retired as the founding Director of the Office of International Affairs at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T) where she implemented her vision of increasing access to global  education, especially for students and faculty of color, a segment of the U.S. population who are underrepresented in study abroad and international careers. Under her leadership, NC A&T flourished with academic exchange and study abroad programs. To integrate the overseas experience into the undergraduate curriculum, she created the Global Studies Certificate Program, designed to enhance an A&T degree in any discipline. Hundreds of students were transformed by their experiences abroad and on campus during her fourteen-year tenure at NC A&T. 

While at NCA&T, Minnie developed and coordinated the Brazilian governments Scientific Mobility Program on campus, bringing numerous students from Brazil to the University through this program as well as through bi-lateral exchange agreements with four universities in Brazil. She also led the effort that created a Cooperative Program in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering between NC A&T and Henan Polytechnic University in China (the first Chinese government approved “Cooperatively Running Program” between a Chinese University and an HBCU – Historically Black Colleges and Universities). When your organization seeks to blossom and grow globally, START by booking a CONSULT with Minnie at iPave!

Contact iPAVE for more information: 


For more information about iPAVE visit their website.


(336) 505-8229



Minnie Battle-Mayes, President & CEO