HOW TO Understand the Fundamentals of Content Writing

A PRIMER: Part One – The Fundamentals of Content Writing for the New Writer 

This is part one of a 2 part series designed to present the fundamentals of content writing for anyone who is considering becoming a content writer. This post is also designed for those who are considering content writing as a career or life change.

How to write content without fear


Are you feeling disappointed in what you originally expected “success” to be??? Has a lack of work-life balance stolen your freedom, zapped your energy and robbed you of fulfillment?? Well, if you are underwhelmed with your current path to success, try something different!

 If you’re tired of:

  • The corporate office setting or a bureaucratic set-up…..
  • The responsibility for direct reports or being a direct report…..
  • The endless stream of employees, clients and administrative minutiae…..
  • Spending your time doing what no longer satisfies you….. 

AND, you have an affinity for WRITING, then, consider a career as a CONTENT WRITER!!

Leave the responsibilities of a successful yet burdensome [or unsuccessful], unfulfilling career in your rearview mirror – get off the crazy train and pivot! Start a new journey.

To get started, let’s take a quick peek at some basics you’ll need to know, such as:

  • What is CONTENT?
  • What is Content Marketing?
  • Who are the players in the content marketing Eco-System?
  • What is THE most important word in the content marketing vocabulary?
  • What is the customer journey?
  • What is the content marketer’s role in the customer journey?
  • Other Important Considerations to Build Your Confidence

Now, let’s dive in…..

What is CONTENT?

Content is the fundamental building block of the internet. It’s what you read, see, hear and experience online.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the creation and promotion of text, video, audio and image based content that furthers business goals. Content marketing applies primarily person to person and by extension, business to business [B2B] and business to customer [B2C] because we all connect as people.

Who are the players in the content marketing Eco-System?

The 3 vital players in the content marketing Eco-System are… 

  1. YOU, as  a Content Marketer 
  2. The CLIENT – The business that hires and PAYS the content marketer to produce content and, 
  3. The client’s CUSTOMER  – who will use the content created to further their objectives

What is THE most important word in the content marketing vocabulary?

That word is INTENT, specifically referring to the CUSTOMER’S intent. What is the customer trying to do or find when they whip out their device and start scrolling and searching?? What problem are they trying to solve, immediately? 

The content marketer’s job is to anticipate customer intent then create content to satisfy that intent. So that when the customer “goes a-scrollin’ ” on their digital device [phone, tablet, desktop] they can quickly and efficiently find what they need online. Skillful, artfully written content, drives online searchers [customers] to the businesses which satisfy their need[s].

What is the customer journey?

The “customer journey” starts with a need or a want. Like a bloodhound, the customer uses the internet to find solutions to problems, in the moment or otherwise. The customer is trying to do something [?] or locate something [?]. Think about your own behavior when you employ your digital device to access information. We are all “customers in need” at some point, right?

What is the content marketer’s role?

  • The content writer listens, hears, strategizes, and, like a  ”subject matter expert”, prescribes and authors solutions.
  • The content marketer is a marketer whose vehicle is WRITING. 
  • The content writer builds content to satisfy intents. 
  • The content writer finds what is valuable and articulates it properly.

Just let that sync in and sink in, until Part Two!

Other Important Considerations to Build Your Confidence

Business owners are too busy to create content. As well, writing might not be their forte. Business owners need content, therefore they need WRITERS. 

Customers want clear answers to their questions and solutions to their problems NOW!! They need CONTENT!

Content writing is in high demand. This demand is increasing, with no slowing down in sight. This is because online activity has increased exponentially since the advent of Covid. People are online searching and buying more than ever due to the sheer convenience and safety of it all.

This is your time to prepare a different path to escape the “crazy” race, reset your pace, own your time and finally, find the fulfillment you’ve been looking for!

LOOK FOR Part Two of this series in BattlePlan Virtual’s “Virtuosity Blog” in a future post.

Please contact me if you are considering or are interested in changing lanes, shifting gears and becoming a Content Writer!! I’d love to speak with you!

If you are interested in digital content strategy or copywriting HELP, Contact Keywanda Battle at:

writer's desk

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