HOW TO Understand SEO’s Relationship to Content Writing

A PRIMER: Part Two: HOW TO Understand SEO’s Relationship to Content Writing

This is part two of a 2 part series designed to present the fundamentals of content writing for anyone who is considering becoming a content writer. This post is also designed for those who are considering content writing as a career or life change.

This post examines the differences in and the relationship between SEO copywriting and Technical SEO AND the impact of each on CONTENT

First, what does SEO stand for?? The acronym stands for Search Engine Optimization

The term SEO is a triple entendre – it’s a noun, a verb and an adjective.

SEO is the process of improving a website site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services in search engines such as Google. Further explained, the better visibility a website’s pages have in search results, the more likely that site is to attract attention to its content.

Some businesses rely on attracting website traffic via PAID advertising while other businesses EARN quality traffic with superior content. Superior content is the goal of any serious content writer.

This discussion offers a deeper understanding of how SEO enhances great content.


SEO copywriting seeks to entice searchers to stop, click and read copy because it meets their need and because it is well written. Well written content provides the best understanding, therefore engagement, for the reader/consumer. This type of content EARNS website traffic in an organic manner vs. BUYING it.

Technical SEO involves the structural framework of a website. Technical SEO also involves finding and removing impediments [friction] to the efficient operation of a site. Efficient site operation is critical for the website to do the job of connecting searchers with what they are seeking, quickly. 

When searchers click to read content, this action sends a signal to the search engine, letting it know there is interest. These signals can eventually move a webpage closer to the coveted “page one” position. 

Organic SEO traffic is essentially the opposite of buying web traffic with advertising.


There are two distinct yet intertwining facets of SEO –

  1. SEO Copywriting [content], and
  2. Technical SEO

Let’s call the Technical SEOs the ENGINEERS and the Content SEOs the ARTISTS, both of which are on the SAME TEAM!

Those who gravitate toward Technical SEO think as Engineers and are fundamentally different thinkers than writers – the Artists, who gravitate toward Content SEO. These two equally important counterparts work together to produce an easy user experience. 

An easy user experience allows the searcher to gain access to superior content to address the need of their search. The overarching purpose of the Engineer-Artist partnership is to guide the searcher to what they are looking for with ease.

Some examples of the Technical SEO’s [the engineer] interests or concerns [red flags] are:

  • Is a website accessible? 
  • Is the site loading fast? 
  • Is the site optimized for search via our various devices? For example, mobile phone/tablet/laptop, desktop, car, voice search [Siri, Alexa, Cortana]? 

[Note: Today there is more mobile traffic than desktop traffic.]

  • Is the overall User Experience [UX] good for the searcher? 

Technical SEO is akin to mathematics where two plus two always equals four. Technical SEO consists of information and content that can be put into an instruction manual. Such work can be awarded to the lowest bidder…. VS  ….The creative piece – content creation, which can be more lucrative. This is because creation by its nature explores, can differ, takes risks, takes leaps and can get you paid at a higher level. It’s a different playing field than 2+2=4.


  • Problem Aware – knowing there is a problem but not being sure of the solution
  • Solution Aware – knowing there is a problem and having an idea about a solution

As an SEO copywriter you must understand enough about technical SEO to recognize a red flag and be aware that a problem exists. Then call the expert, your Technical SEO, for the fix.


The SEO copywriter is tasked with using signals to show the search engine exactly what any web page is about and do it in a way that does not sacrifice content quality. 

The Writer, as an Artist, is concerned with:

  • The pure quality of the copy based on knowledge of the subject matter, sound research AND an understanding of SEO
  • Is the content readable – is it easily understood, therefore easily consumed, is it easy to look at on the page??
  • Details such as the proper flow of ideas, grammatical soundness, contextual clarity, correct spelling, relevant imagery
  • Providing thorough coverage of the promise made in headline or title
  • Is the overall User Experience [UX] good for the searcher/reader

Note how BOTH, the Technical SEO and the SEO Copywriter are equally concerned with the overall User Experience [UX] for the searcher/reader – the consumer of content!!

Again, this 2 part series is a simple content writing primer. There is much more to know. 

If you have an affinity for writing you CAN do this! 

If you are considering or are interested in changing lanes, shifting gears and becoming a Content Writer, I’d love to speak with you!! Contact Me at

If you are interested in digital content strategy or copywriting HELP, Contact Keywanda Battle at:

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